Retirement Planning

How to Live Your Own Extraordinary Life

How to Live Your Own Extraordinary Life

“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” - C. S. Lewis

I love this quote because it speaks the truth.

We’ve all been through rough times...illness, the loss of a loved one, career changes and so much more.

We’ve all been surrounded at one point or another in our lives by someone who truly inspired us. Someone doing big things. 

We are all capable of resilience and we are all meant for extraordinary.

What does an extraordinary life mean to you?

What do you call a person who is happy on a Monday? Retired.

Being retired also means your boss can’t say to you, “Looks like you’ve got a case of the Mondays…” EVER AGAIN.

Since retirement means more time with friends and family, more freedom and a lot less stress, feeling those happy feels should hopefully come a lot easier.

Retirement Planning is Not Just About Money

Retirement Planning is Not Just About Money

It used to be most Canadians shared an idea of what retirement looked like. You worked until you were 65 and then you punched your timecard and spent the rest of your days on the golf course, travelling the world or spending time with your grandkids. If you were lucky enough to have squirreled away more money, you might have quit your job five or even 10 years earlier than you planned.

In 2019, not so much. The definition of retirement is evolving and it’s now different for everyone. One person may be able to fully retire at 55 while others are working part-time after they’re 65.

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