deep breathing

How resilient are you dealing with life's little curve balls?

How resilient are you dealing with life's little curve balls?

I think of myself as a pretty resilient person. For me, resiliency is my capacity to cope with life’s curve balls.

Well just a little while ago, in a period  of one week, I had to deal with several losses and disappointments, both in my personal and professional life, and by the end of the week, I felt like I had been pummelled by a whole lot of curve balls!

So, all of this got me thinking about resilience. Just how do I or others manage challenges, loss, and disappointments?

What do you call a person who is happy on a Monday? Retired.

Being retired also means your boss can’t say to you, “Looks like you’ve got a case of the Mondays…” EVER AGAIN.

Since retirement means more time with friends and family, more freedom and a lot less stress, feeling those happy feels should hopefully come a lot easier.

Tips to destress about retirement

Tips to destress about retirement

The “S” word is a very very bad word.

Yes, I’m talking about STRESS.

And for a lot of you, you may have spent the majority of your day today caring for everyone but yourself.

I know the other “S” word….self-care….can be a bit overused these days but honestly, caring for yourself and your needs is one of the best ways to manage stress, pre-retirement and during retirement.

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