Active lifestyle communities are curated to offer the very best in care-free, active-living for people 50 years of age and older. And they’re found all over the world, including in your local area!
Reasons for choosing this style of living vary, as there are many benefits.
For those of you who were used to a busy bustling lifestyle and in post-retirement are finding themselves acutely aware of their empty-nest, and lack of structure and socialization that a job provided - living in a community can provide a renewed sense of family and belonging, and offer so many outlets for activities, plus a high-powered social-life.
Most active lifestyle communities have options for both ownership and leasing.
Search for active lifestyle communities in your own country and see what comes up - you may be surprised by the array of enticing options!
What would be the most enticing aspect of an active lifestyle community for YOU? Let me know in the comments!