“Marielle’s program helped me understand that I can determine my own timeline and path to retirement in a much less abrupt way with a goal to a much more purposeful life.” ”
““Power Up Your Retirement Lifestyle Workshop is filled with ideas and concepts that will have you digging deeper into yourself than ever before. The workshop assists in having you search introspectively delving into your core and finding the true reasons about your upcoming retirement. The ways to visualize retirement and access it are laid out with the help of Coach Marielle. Come ready for this workshop - it will make you think and you will leave empowered to achieve your retirement goal.’ -”
— Mavis - Program Participant
“Marielle is a very positive and upbeat presenter who challenges financial advisors to look deep within their clients’ needs. She helps an advisor look beyond just the financial preparation for retirement.
— Mark Lewans General Agent, Knights of Columbus Insurance
“J’ai assisté à un atelier de préparation à la retraite avec Marielle. Très intéressant et sympathique. Je recommande si vous avez besoin de quelqu’un pour vous éclairer sur votre situation (vie, travail, retraite).”
— Claire Landriot, Coordinatrice de projets, Fédération des aînés fransaskois
“Great retirement reality check; helps you assess your current understanding of retirement, gets you thinking about what you would really like it to be; then demonstrates how to start planning to achieve your dreams. Ever so grateful for the enlightenment!”
“Marielle does not get hung up on just how much money a client needs to retire. It does not matter how many dollars they have if they’re afraid to retire, have no social life outside of work, are suffering from depression, have no purpose or develop additions. Retirement is to be a celebration of your years of work and sharing it with your family.
““Your lively presentation was very engaging – bringing forward things for people to think about but in a positive, problem solving way – no negativity or criticism for folks.” ”
“Really makes a person think about all the factors you need to consider for retirement. Am I ready?”
“You are so smart and well informed with no judgements about anything…”
“I attended a session recently put on by Marielle. She was an excellent speaker, the topics were all relevant and I was engaged throughout the whole session. I would definitely recommend attending a session with Marielle. ”
— Kathy Krammer, MBA (FS), CFP|Life and Wealth Consultant Nat. Estate Planning - Life|Co-operators Life Insurance Company