Give your clients the clarity they need to pursue their personal goals in retirement.
For a limited time, Certified Financial Planners are able to buy packages of 10, 15 or 20 one-year registrations of our transformational program, Power Up Your Retirement, at an amazingly low price.
GIVE a one-year registration to your clients who are ready to start planning for their retirement lifestyle or who are struggling with the transition in retirement.
How do you know if they are struggling?
It is your experience that some of your clients...
● Don’t know when they will retire
● Are not ready to retire either emotionally or psychologically
● Have fears about retirement
● Don’t have any personal goals
● Have no idea of how they will fill their days
● Don’t know what their purpose is and how they will bring meaning into their lives; or
● Will struggle with loss of identity once they leave their work careers
Far from sailing off into retired bliss, some Canadians are nearing their retirement years with a mixture of anxiety and uncertainty.
The impact of non-financial issues like social, emotional and psychological factors play a big role in a person’s successful retirement.
Whether it’s missing the ‘comfort’ of a schedule, losing their identity, losing a sense of purpose, missing their social network or feeling bored, it’s common for people adjusting to retirement to experience a range of fears, worries, stress and anxiety.
Research has shown that almost half of people entering into retirement struggle with difficulty transitioning into a post-career life.
For many people who don’t plan or manage the transition well, the consequences can be significant.
Common issues include:
● Inactivity
● Increased levels of stress
● Depression
● Low self-esteem and self-confidence
● Isolation and loneliness
● Cognitive decline
● Alcohol and drug addictions; and
● Even early death and suicide (especially in men).
This is why it’s so important that people tend to their psychological portfolio as much as their financial portfolio and start planning for their post-career life.
A life plan will help individuals plan for their post-career life, identify their wants, desires and goals which will help them analyze whether or not they have the money to financially support this next phase of their life.
If they realize they might not have enough money to live their dream retirement, then they will be in an informed position to make changes hopefully before they retire to either modify their personal goals, readjust their expectations, increase their savings, continue working or a combination of all of these.
By developing a life plan, they may also realize they are not ready to retire and decide to continue working for a few more years.
The Redworks Communications Solution
That’s why I’m here and do what I do.
I give people the retirement reality check they need to help them conquer the emotional side of this incredible life transition and help them start the planning process.
I’m now offering a brand new package deal exclusively for Certified Financial Planners and Registered Retirement Consultants.
You can empower your clients with the tools needed to plan for a successful, happy and meaningful retirement with a registration for my transformational online program, Power UP Your Retirement.
With my program, your clients will:
✅ Generate a deeper understanding of their values, interests and priorities
✅ Rediscover their purpose and passions
✅ Gain clarity on what they really envision and desire in retirement
✅ Start to address fears they have about retirement
✅ Develop personal goals
✅ Develop a purpose-driven retirement lifestyle action plan
✅ And so much more!
This stellar program includes a high-quality video training series, live group coaching, an online community and other educational resources that support a successful transition into retirement.
For a limited time, Certified Financial Planners are able to buy packages of 10, 15 or 20 one-year registrations at an amazingly low price for you to GIVE away to your clients who are ready to start planning for their retirement lifestyle or who are struggling with the transition into retirement.
With this value-added service, you are giving your clients a great opportunity to start taking action to have a healthy, happy and meaningful retirement now or in the future.
For more information about the Power UP Your Retirement program, visit
If you have clients who you know would benefit from this program and for prices, contact us at
““If you prevent one person from retiring too early and save them the hard transition, mental problems and social losses, that is where the value is,”
Norm Lalonde, CFP, RRC, IG Wealth Management”