Accountability. It can be a scary word.
What if you had a community around you who made it less scary? We all want to achieve the reality we know is right for us. Maybe it’s living in a home that doesn’t cause as much stress. Maybe it’s moving to live closer to children or grandchildren. Maybe it’s simple: you want to be kinder to yourself.
As social creatures, we have an extraordinary opportunity to surround ourselves with people who support us. And what if you asked those people to go one step further in that support? Maybe, just maybe, you could ask others to hold you accountable in fulfilling your dreams.
Here’s how:
🌟 Find someone you trust who will be on board with an “accountability buddy” system. This is someone who you know is an ally. Someone who is also interested in personal empowerment.
🌟 Be specific about your intent. Say it out loud to them. (And also write it down somewhere meaningful to you). Could be something like, “In five years, I want to live in a home that isn’t as hard on my back” or “I want to learn Tai Chi by next year”.
🌟Create weekly, bimonthly, or monthly “accountability dates”. Go for coffee or a walk to specifically talk about how you’re achieving your goal.
🌟 Offer the same to your buddy! Holding each other accountable is where the magic really happens.
🌟 Enjoy the process! It’s amazing what can happen when you set your intent and work together to make choices that change the direction of your life.
I got some more tips and tricks for you...especially if you’re a few years away from retirement or you’re already there!
My unique program, Power UP Your Retirement Lifestyle, is an online educational program which provides a high-quality video training series, group coaching, an on-line community and other educational resources focused on helping professional women transition into a successful retirement.
Sign up today! 👇