What does financial stability mean to you?


Getting personal with you means showing you my humanness. I may have training and expertise to serve you with, but that doesn’t mean I’m without fears! 💜

One of my biggest fears is wondering if I’ll be financially stable in my retirement years. For me, being financially stable is knowing that I’ll have the money for the things I want to do.

For me, that starts with having a roof over my head, being able to pay my bills and insurance, and buying the clothes and food I need to have a comfortable life.

But furthermore, I want to thrive! 🏋️‍♀️

Travel, leisure activities, hobbies, fitness training...a gym membership. These are the things that add joy to my life.

To help me regulate my fears and achieve my goals, I am working with a financial planner who helps me plan for the life I imagine. And sharing this fear with you allows me to understand more fully how important it is to talk about our process! 💸

Does learning about other people’s fears make it easier for you to talk about your own?

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