financial plan

Is long-term care insurance right for you?

Is long-term care insurance right for you?

No one has ever said to me, “I can’t wait to move into a long-term care home!” So I think it’s a safe bet to say that very few of us want to do so. e want to stay as independent as possible in our own home for as long as possible.  

If you take care of yourself as mentioned in an earlier blog, you can hopefully push back long-term care needs well into your senior years.

Whether you will need long-term care or not, there is no doubt however, that long-term care is expensive. Has this been factored into your overall financial plan?

What does financial stability mean to you?

What does financial stability mean to you?

Getting personal with you means showing you my humanness. I may have training and expertise to serve you with, but that doesn’t mean I’m without fears! 💜

One of my biggest fears is wondering if I’ll be financially stable in my retirement years. For me, being financially stable is knowing that I’ll have the money for the things I want to do.

How to avoid running out of money in retirement

How to avoid running out of money in retirement

Running out of money in retirement.

It’s a really scary thought.

It’s actually one of the biggest fears people have about transitioning into this next chapter of their lives.

Many people also worry they won’t have enough money to live the life they want.

And that right there folks is the reason why planning for retirement mentally and emotionally first, and then working with a financial planner to flesh out your plans even further, will help give you the bigger picture.

Fear of Life Outlasting Money

Fear of Life Outlasting Money

By far, one of the biggest fears people have is that life will outlast money. Many people worry they won’t have enough money to live the life they want or will run out of money.

I am not a financial planner so I ethically cannot give you any advice. What I will do, however, is share with you what I have done to overcome this fear.

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