
How resilient are you dealing with life's little curve balls?

How resilient are you dealing with life's little curve balls?

I think of myself as a pretty resilient person. For me, resiliency is my capacity to cope with life’s curve balls.

Well just a little while ago, in a period  of one week, I had to deal with several losses and disappointments, both in my personal and professional life, and by the end of the week, I felt like I had been pummelled by a whole lot of curve balls!

So, all of this got me thinking about resilience. Just how do I or others manage challenges, loss, and disappointments?

Avoiding excessive exposure to negative news

Avoiding excessive exposure to negative news

Does the “news” seem synonymous with “bad news” these days?

Lots of medical professionals are looking into the effects of being bombarded by the news.

Psychiatrist Dr. Sheila Jowsy talks about how to avoid media overload by being careful about the amount of negative and/or bad news we’re exposed to.

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