
Your innate sense of knowing


We are all born with an innate sense of knowing. 💆

Then, life happens and circumstances cloud our intuition. We become less sure of ourselves.

Doubt creeps in. But deep down, that innate sense of knowing is still there.

Take a moment today to quiet all the voices in your mind. Go deep to find your clarity and your direction. Breathe. 💜

Handle your retirement like a boss

Handle your retirement like a boss

💃You’ve handled your career like a boss….so why not handle retirement like one too?!💃

You’re a powerful professional woman, and the end of your 9 to 5 days are finally in sight or just a few short years away.

Woohoo! Bring on more time with girlfriends, more time with grandkids and finally writing that novel you’ve had in your head since you were 35. 💆

Retirement, even if it’s still a few short years away for you, is the next step on your journey.

It can instill positive thoughts of relaxation AND some serious feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. 🤔

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