
Get on the right track for your new life adventure

Get on the right track for your new life adventure

Are you embarking on a new life adventure?! If so, here are a few questions that will set you on the right track!

👉Personal development: what does that look like to you??? Perhaps there is some way you want to improve yourself -- overcome a fear, develop a passion, or learn a new skill!

👉Who do you want to be connected to? This is a great time to reevaluate your relationships. Perhaps there are some that could go, some that could deepen and/or some new relationships you want to develop!

Healthy connections are crucial in retirement

Healthy connections are crucial in retirement

Look up! 👀

Ever notice that you look at your phone more than you want to? Ever look up and realize you got caught up in scrolling a little too much?

There is good reason for that. Software engineers are hired by handfuls of tech companies to keep high engagement levels in social media apps.

Turns out, it’s actually no mystery that notifications keep us opening apps over and over again.

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