life purpose

Finding Meaning in Uncertain Times

Podcast Host, Cathy Heller, is often quoted for saying: “The opposite of depression isn't being happy, it's finding a purpose.”

How does one determine their purpose while living in such uncertain times? How do we navigate living meaningful lives when we don’t know what lies ahead of us on the journey?

Fear of a Lack of Purpose in Retirement

Fear of a Lack of Purpose in Retirement

A purpose is very important to living a meaningful life. Ernie J. Zelinski, author of How to Retire Happy, Wild and Free says that, “Two essentials for successful retirement are sufficient funds to live on and sufficient things to live for.”

You may have a lot of hobbies, interests and leisure activities that may keep you busy, however, if you want your retirement to be meaningful, these will most likely not be enough. You may need to find your purpose.

Retirement Planning is Not Just About Money

Retirement Planning is Not Just About Money

It used to be most Canadians shared an idea of what retirement looked like. You worked until you were 65 and then you punched your timecard and spent the rest of your days on the golf course, travelling the world or spending time with your grandkids. If you were lucky enough to have squirreled away more money, you might have quit your job five or even 10 years earlier than you planned.

In 2019, not so much. The definition of retirement is evolving and it’s now different for everyone. One person may be able to fully retire at 55 while others are working part-time after they’re 65.

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