
10 Steps to Get on The Path to a Happy Retirement

10 Steps to Get on The Path to a Happy Retirement

When it comes to retirement preparation, the first thing that seems to come to mind for people is finances. Of course, the money matters are a critical part of being able to retire and determine when you will retire. After that is established, however, there is so much beyond financial preparation that you can do to ensure a happy retirement. We all know money doesn’t buy happiness, so let’s not stop at financial preparation when it comes to retirement! Your happiness in retirement is worth the effort of truly investing in your future emotional well-being.

How do you get prepared? Here are 10 steps to guide you as you consider, not only what your retirement will look like practically, but how you want to FEEL in your retirement.

The Sandwich Generation

The Sandwich Generation

Are you emotionally or financially supporting BOTH aging parents and adult children? Then you are part of what people refer to as the “Sandwich Generation”. 😮

If you’re feeling over-scheduled and under-resourced as a result of this sandwich, let go of the guilt around not having enough time and energy to accomplish it all and release the pressure with these supportive suggestions! 😍

Do you talk to your partner about retirement?

Do you talk to your partner about retirement?

Many people have no idea when their partner is going to retire. They just know their own date of retirement. 🎉

Since retirement is a HUGE change in someone’s life and will certainly impact a relationship, it’s important to find out what you’re each thinking.

The best action to take is to talk about it and there is certainly a lot to discuss such as:

Are you going to be a full-time babysitter in your retirement?


People have told me that one of their fears about retirement is that their adult children will expect them to care for the grandchildren on a day-to-day basis or to change their plans at a moment's notice.

If this is a concern for you, then you need to think about whether or not this is something you want to do.

Once you are clear on what it is you want and are willing to do, have a conversation with your adult children around expectations and boundaries.

This may be an uncomfortable conversation for you to have. However, doing something you really don’t want to do has a cost on you and your relationship with your adult children.

Be honest with yourself and your adult children even if it means disappointing them. At the very least they will know where you stand. 

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