
10 Steps to Get on The Path to a Happy Retirement

10 Steps to Get on The Path to a Happy Retirement

When it comes to retirement preparation, the first thing that seems to come to mind for people is finances. Of course, the money matters are a critical part of being able to retire and determine when you will retire. After that is established, however, there is so much beyond financial preparation that you can do to ensure a happy retirement. We all know money doesn’t buy happiness, so let’s not stop at financial preparation when it comes to retirement! Your happiness in retirement is worth the effort of truly investing in your future emotional well-being.

How do you get prepared? Here are 10 steps to guide you as you consider, not only what your retirement will look like practically, but how you want to FEEL in your retirement.

Impact of COVID-19 On Your Retirement


Are you a year or two away from retirement and worried about the impact the current pandemic may have on your plans?

Financial stress is real for a lot of people right now, in a lot of different ways. If you are facing the necessity of revising your timeline on retirement plans, how are you coping with this emotionally?

As a Results Certified Coach who specializes in the transition to retirement, I have the tools to support you as you navigate the emotional impact of these changes to your plans. Please reach out by sending me an email at

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