
Tip #4 to Get Ready to Rediscover Yourself in Retirement


Do you desire joy and a sense of purpose? Then the best thing you can do is prepare for the emotional and psychological impacts of your post-career life! Preparing for a purpose-filled retirement is not all about the money. 💸

Here is tip #4 to help make your transition a smooth one:

✅ Share your retirement plans with your partner or family
If you have a partner, it’s very important to be on the same page when it comes to plans. Share your ideas with your children or trusted friends. Feeling supported is important.

There are key elements that need to be considered to plan for a smooth transition and a happy retirement.

You don’t have to do this alone. I can help you get there.

Find out how with the Power UP Your Retirement Lifestyle Program.

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Tip #3 to Get Ready to Rediscover Yourself in Retirement


Do you desire joy and a sense of purpose? Then the best thing you can do is prepare for the emotional and psychological impacts of your post-career life! Preparing for a purpose-filled retirement is not all about the money. 💸

Here is tip #3 to help make your transition a smooth one:

✅ Create a plan and set goals
If you think preparing financially is the only type of planning and goal setting you need to do, think again! Preparing and planning for the emotional and psychological impacts of retirement and your lifestyle is key.

There are key elements that need to be considered to plan for a smooth transition and a happy retirement.

You don’t have to do this alone.

I can help you get there.

Find out how with the Power UP Your Retirement Lifestyle Program

Special pricing to get you going.

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